Dear Devotees,

Please accept our humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru Maharaja.

The first batch of the marble carvings – the base lotus, columns, arches, side-jali panels and flooring material arrived in Mayapur on the 3rd of July. Installation and assembly started immediately thereafter. The area around Guru Maharaja’s samadhi has been levelled to avoid water logging.

The second batch of carvings – the rear panel arch, dome, and the pink lotus base on which Guru Maharaja’s lotus footprints will be placed, arrived on the 10th of July. We request you to fervently pray that everything is executed timely and smoothly.

Krsnarjuna Prabhu is enroute to the USA from the UK to receive Guru Maharaja’s lotus footprints and bring them to Mayapur by the 2nd week of July.

Abhay Charan Prabhu, our godbrother from Ujjain will arrive in Mayapur with his team of devotees to fix the carved wooden doors and do the chroming on the kalash within the next few days.

Please find hereinbelow the link to a short clip on the ongoing work for our dear Guru Maharaja’s samadhi:–mPXy4Ikuw1/view?usp=sharing

We hope this meets you safe and well.

Your insignificant servants,
The BCS Samadhi Committee

His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Samadhi Committee 

(Prabhanu Das – Chairman, Radhavinod Das – Vice Chairman, Prema Manjari Dasi, Baladev Vidyabhushan Das, Bimola Prasad Das, Karunika Devi Dasi, Krsnarjuna Das – Treasurer, Devasri Radhika Devi Dasi – Secretary, Mahesh Advani)